product testing

testing, testing, testing

All our products undergo a rigorous testing programme. Annually we conduct over 500 tests.  
It tends to keep us kinda busy! 

We test for stuff like toxicity, flammability, safety hazards, durability, functionality, usability, labelling and instructions on all our products.

All this testing means that we meet requirements in all 50 countries worldwide in which we sell our products. We want to ensure peace of mind - that's why we also carry out on-going testing, in the factory and field, as things can change and we don't want to miss anything.

Not a lot of people know that:

  • our buggies are tested for 400kms/250 miles on variable terrain for 80 plus hours
  • a weight of 18kg/40lbs has been dropped into each of the metro and escape seats 49,900 times.   

Phew – exhausted? We are!